Wednesday, October 13, 2010


So we still don't have our own internet service. Waiting for 3 months now, which apparently is not unusual here. We've been dreading getting too much computer stuff set up because inevitably it doesn't work which just lead to more frustration. However, downloading pictures on the laptop patched into our neighbor's wireless ended up taking about 60 seconds to figure out. Wish I had done it weeks ago. Here are a few:
(Okay, that took 60 seconds to download onto the computer and 2 hours to figure out to download onto the blog. Facebook download is just going to have to wait.)

 Zoomed in view from our balcony of the Emirates Palace Hotel

Dragon Boat Races at the Shagri-La Resort

Inside the Grand Mosque

Helen admiring the view from our balcony

Marina Tower at dusk

Our beach

Skating at the Marina Tower Mall

Outside the Grand Mosque

View of Burj Al-Arab from our hotel room at Atlantis-Dubai

Atlantis-Dubai, lots of fun

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