Sunday, September 19, 2010

American Community School

When we visited Abu Dhabi last March, we got a tour of the American Community School, or ACS. There was a waiting list to get in, but both John and I agreed that we wouldn't be moving to Abu Dhabi unless both the girls got into ACS. Fortunately, we did not have to wait for long. The girls started mid-August and we have not been disappointed.
There are about 900 K through 12 students here from all over the world. The compound has separate buildings for the elementary, middle, and high schools with shared facilities in the middle. Most of the staff and students are originally from the states, but there are also others from Greece, Holland, Brazil, France, and India, just to name a few that Hannah can think of off the top of her head right now. There are also a few Emirati. A surprising number of students have already lived all over the world. Often when I ask ACS families where they are from, they say, "The States, but we've lived in London, Paris, Kuwait, Germany, Singapore, Australia, you name it, for the last 3, 5, 10 years." It suddenly makes the world feel like a much smaller place. Everything is just a plane ride way.
The facilities are well maintained and include everything you would expect at American schools and more: a well stocked library, a cafeteria that actually has good food, gyms, a climbing wall, several outdoor playing fields, and a pool. Circulation is mostly outdoors, which gives the place a nice open feel.
The curriculum is very familiar, down to Everyday Math from the University of Chicago. A very thorough website keeps families up to date on assignments, grades, and school activities.
The best part of the school is the amazing number of field trips that the students get to take. 5th graders go camping in Oman. 6th and 7th graders have a week in Turkey. 8th graders go to Thailand the first week of November. I am lucky enough to be able to help chaperone that trip, and will tell you all about it once we go.

1 comment:

  1. I'm thrilled to know that the school is great. I've been waiting for this particular post.
