Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Big Move

Last day in Oak Park before we head off to Abu Dhabi. We're going to miss all of our friends and family here, but are looking forward to adventures overseas. Our dog Helen is already having her own adventure with an international pet transportation company. She was picked up yesterday morning in Oak Park and is stopping off in Amsterdam, though I'm pretty sure she is not enjoying her visit at all. I'll be happy when she arrives safely at our new home in Abu Dhabi. Meanwhile, last minute packing on this side of the ocean. We have a direct flight that leaves Wednesday evening. We'll be in Abu Dhabi by Thursday evening, including the 9 hour time difference.
I hope this blog works as a good way to let everyone know what we are up to half way around the world. Look out for future postings!


  1. Best wishes and lots of love, Heidi

  2. Adrienne, John, McKenzie and Hannah,

    We hope the three newcomers have arrived safely! Would love to hear the adventures of your first week! John, I'm sure you were glad to see your three favorite people in the whole world!

    I'm imagining there were lots of hugs, kisses and sweating upon arrival. I hope the weather isn't too hot and that you've escaped the mosquitos in Chicago. Yikes!

    We look forward to hearing about your new home and environment!

    Lot's of love to you all!


  3. Thanks for creating a blog to keep even the family fringe involved in your adventure. I hope the family reunion was grand. Love and best wishes, JoAnn Seaver, the newly wed. Yes, I married Bill Van Stone on July 30.
